SCHELL, MAXIMILIAN. Typed Letter Signed from Actor Maximilian Schell. New York: quarto, 1 page, October 30, 1969. Written on Schell’s printed stationery to Arthur Luce Klein, President of Spoken Arts Records who had asked Schell to do a recording of reading from the work of Herman Hesse. Schell was then appearing on Broadway in John Osborne’s play, A Patriot For Me.“...Thank you very much for your letter. It sounds like a wonderful idea, especially since I like Hesse very much. On the other hand, I am afraid I won’t have time for such a project since I am still editing my film, First Love, which will take me to early spring next year. But if you come to see our performance I would be delighted if you come back-stage and we can have a few words.” Very good.