Greco style deer sculpture by the acclaimed Dutch company Parastone Studio, Hertogenbosch, Netherlands. 

This is one of the ‘Mouseion’ collection pieces. 

The ‘Mouseion’ collection is aimed at bringing famous art works into 3 dimensional depictions. 

The 3D sculptures include works by (among others): Hieronymus Bosch, Salvador Dali, Gustav Klimt & Amedeo Modigliani.


This particular sculpture is part of Greek mythology. 

The deer is particularly associated with Artemis (goddess of wild animals, vegetation, and childbirth). 

In one version – according to Ovid's Metamorphoses – Actaeon accidentally saw Artemis (goddess of wild animals, vegetation, and childbirth) while she was bathing on Mount Cithaeron;for this reason he was changed by her into a stag and was pursued and killed by his own 50 hounds.  (Source:


Sculpture Dimensions (approx.)


Height: 6.4 cm

Length: 11.9 cm

Width: 3.8 cm

Weight: 209g


The sculpture is in excellent condition, no scratches or marks (see photos). Personally I think the sculpture has an Art Deco influence, and would easily fit in an art déco inspired home.