This is a collector's edition hardcover book titled "Around The World In Eighty Days" by Jules Verne. The book is in English and is about exploration and travel around the world. Burgundy faux leather binding with gold gilt floral design and lettering. International Collectors Library 1956 edition of this Jules Verne Classic.

Item #2351

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“The International Collectors Library is a publishing program dedicated to the preservation of the immortal masterworks of the past and the significant books of our time… the great classics of fiction, history, biography, poetry, drama, travel, and adventure… clothed in bindings truly worthy of their imperishable contents”  — From an 1951 ICL Book insert

The International Collectors Library was a book club series published by Doubleday Book & Music Clubs, Inc. from the late 1940’s through the late 1980’s.  They were produced in Garden City, New Jersey.   They were intended to be inexpensive reprints of great literature.

The binding designs were adapted based on old “Golden Age of Bookmaking” bindings, and made to look like leather-bound copies (Faux Leather or Leatherette).  The bindings were embossed with 24K gold embellishments, and some copies had gilt edges (thin layer of gold leaf) applied.  A sewn in satin ribbon marker was also added in most books.

This book is a great way to enjoy a classic work of literature and is a phenomenal decor piece for home or office.