Data Push Apps With HTML5 SSE : Pragmatic Solutions for Real-World Clients, Paperback by Cook, Darren, ISBN 1449371930, ISBN-13 9781449371937, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

<div><p>Make sure your website or web application users get content updates <i>right now</i> with minimal latency. This concise guide shows you how to push new data from the server to clients with HTML5 Server-Sent Events (SSE), an exceptional technology that doesn&#8217;t require constant polling or user interaction. You&#8217;ll learn how to build a real-world SSE application from start to finish that solves a demanding domain problem.</p><p>You&#8217;ll also discover how to increase that application&#8217;s desktop and mobile browser support from 60% to 99%, using different fallback solutions. If you&#8217;re familiar with HTML, HTTP, and basic JavaScript, you&#8217;re ready to get started.</p><ul><li>Determine whether SSE, WebSockets, or data pull is best for your organization</li><li>Develop a working SSE application complete with backend and frontend solutions</li><li>Address error handling, system recovery, and other issues to make the application production-quality</li><li>Explore two fallback solutions for browsers that don&#8217;t support SSE</li><li>Tackle security issues, including authorization and "disallowed origin"</li><li>Develop realistic, repeatable data that&#8217;s useful in test-driven SSE design</li><li>Learn SSE protocol elements not covered in the example application</li></ul></div>