Collection only from West London, Chiswick W4
Starting price £2 each


Maxipot offers improved draining compared with normal pots. Normal pots sit flat on the saucer which is why they have drainage holes in the sides as well as in the bottom. This is not ideal and is the reason why garden centres sell pot stands. Usually these are ceramic blocks to lift the pot away from the saucer, these can be fiddly and the plant may not be very stable. - the Maxipot allows free drainage and is stable and secure.

To enable good drainage and promote healthy root growth, good aeration is required. The gardener generally lines the bottom of the pot with clay pebbles or perlite, allowing water (or nutrients, if used in hydroponics) to flow through the soil and drain more easily. The Maxipot has good aeration designed in. There is no need for perlite or clay pebbles.

The Maxipot promotes natural air pruning, as the pot is lifted away from the saucer it allows good air circulation underneath the pot. - the Maxipot has air pruning designed in.

Having your plant's roots sitting in water is not healthy and can lead to root rot and a host of other problems. Maxipot’s lift and twist feature keeps your plants healthy and when the cold weather arrives the Maxipot prevents frost damage to your roots.

How to Use:

1. After unpacking, place the pot in the saucer, you may need to rotate the pot to get it to sit on the bottom of the saucer.
2. Fill the pot with your favourite soil and pot your plant in the same way as you have always done.
3. Now lift and twist the pot clockwise roughly a third of a turn, you will feel the pot locate in the raised position.
4. Water or feed the plants in your usual manner. Any excess water will run off into the saucer and allow your plants to drain thoroughly.