This vintage valve seat cutter was made by Ludwig Hunger in Germany during the 1960s. It is designed for use  FOR  PORSCHE  356/4 Cam Carrera engines  AND VW and features the manufacturer part number 20729/1G. This tool is perfect for automotive enthusiasts and collectors who appreciate the quality and craftsmanship of vintage hand tools.  THIS SET WAS USED BY MY FATHER WHEN HE WORKED FOR VASEK POLAK  IN 1960 TO 1965  PICTURE IS MY FATHER AND SALVADOR WORKING AT THE VASEK POLAK PORSCHE DEALER IN 1960 IN MANHATTAN BEACH CALIF     THIS IS A PERFECT  SET FOR  PORSCHE TOOL COLLECTOR  OF VINTAGE PORSCHE TOOLS                                                                                                                          WOULD SHIP IN 2 BOXES DO TO THE WEIGHT OF THE TOOLS