After more than forty years another book comes out, which is also the catalog of the exhibition hosted at the Milan Triennale. The relationship between Gillo Dorfles and kitsch began in 1968 with the first systematic study around an aesthetic and social phenomenon, which has increasingly become an imprint of our time. Around this sort of large carousel, not by chance present in the exhibition, Dorfles examines, as if he were a surgeon, careful not to make mistakes, what under this name appears every day in art, in life and above all in communication processes. His is not an aristocratic and prejudicial opinion: "it is necessary to know it, even frequent it and, why not, sometimes use it, as long as you don't get carried away. Because "bad taste" is always lurking". Historical artists, protagonists of contemporary art, real operators and producers of kitsch, together with the great contemporary circus that accompanies us everywhere and in every moment of our lives, as if it were normal to be immersed in this flow of images, stories, of words. All with malice or with full and total intentionality, using the world as a large container of forms and languages. 159pages 21x24cm Compositori 2012