Product Description

A Seed Company On A Mission For Change

Seed Needs has been providing gardeners with quality seed products since 2010 and has shipped millions of packets to happy customers all over the US. We offer flowers, herbs, vegetables, vines, wildflower blends, seed packet collections and seed packet favors.

With the success of our brand, we have kept our promise to continually donate to different organizations and personally sponsor children all over the globe each and every month. We grew our sponsorships from just 1 child to over 100 children worldwide in only a few years. We would like to sincerely thank all who support us because it wouldn't be possible without you!

Seed Needs promises to never knowingly purchase or supply genetically modified seed products.

Heirlooms are varieties that have been purposely bred, selected and passed down from generation to generation. They are wholesome picks that will breed true to the parent seed every time.

We do not treat any of our seed products with substances such as neonicotinoid or thyram.

Always fresh and intended for the current and following growing seasons. Seeds are packaged in water resistant / tear resistant packaging.

Our culinary herb collection contains 12 individual packets of freshly harvested seeds. Included are popular varieties, such as Basil, Chives, Cilantro, Thyme, Oregano, Parsley and more. There’s nothing better than clipping your own fresh herbs to be added to your next meal. With the wide variety offered here, you will absolutely fall in love with cooking, or at least enjoy it a little more! There’s an herb for almost every dish, including Mexican cuisines, Italian dishes and even herbs for flavoring seafood as well.

Not only are fresh herbs used in cooking, they smell great too! Most of the varieties described below will grow to short heights, displaying various light colored flowers through the warm months of the Summer season. Plant them indoors or outdoors, in pots and containers, or even in window boxes as well. Herbs are always a great selection for balcony gardens and those of you with little gardening space in apartments.

About Our Packets

Front Side

Seed packets by Seed Needs are beautifully illustrated and provide a colorful depiction of the variety inside. We provide the common name, as well as the scientific name, seed quantity and a few specs about the variety to be grown.

Back Side

Each packet contains full growing instructions on the reverse side. Specifications on sowing the seed, growing conditions such as sunlight and moisture preferences and germination and growth information can be found as well.

We also provide a QR to scan for easy reordering.

About Our Seeds

  • Always Non-GMO / Untreated.
  • Stored in a temperature controlled facility that's free of moisture.
  • Always packaged for the current and the following growing seasons.
  • True to the varieties advertised.
  • 99% pure seed with no added fillers.

Sweet Basil (200 Seeds)

Sweet Basil produces large, tender green leaves that are both fragrant, as well as tasty. Often used in Italian pestos, this herb will grow to a mature height of roughly 36 inches tall, producing 3 inch leaves. It not only makes a great additive to pestos, but salads and tomato sauces as well.

Common Chives (200 Seeds)

Common Chives will produce shoots that grow to a mature height of roughly 18 inches tall. Popularly used to flavor potatoes and salads, Chives are not only tasty, but are also attractive as well. Each plant displays fluffy, purple colored flowers atop slender stems / shoots. The shoots, once cut will add a slight onion flavor to any dish that they are added to.

Cilantro (100 Seeds)

There’s nothing like adding freshly cut herbs to a culinary dish. Cilantro is grown as an annual herb, serving its purpose for one growing season. The plants themselves will grow to a mature height of roughly 24 to 30 inches tall and about 12 inches wide. Cilantro is a must when it comes to making salsa’s and is popularly used in many Mexican dishes. It’s flat, Parsley like leaves can be harvested in roughly 60 to 90 days.

Dill Bouquet (100 Seeds)

Dill produces fern like foliage that has a very strong and distinctive smell. Growing to a mature height of 30 inches tall, Bouquet Dill will take up a small amount of width and is easy to maintain. Its uses are both medicinal and culinary, although it is mainly used to add flavor to breads, sauces, dips and spreads as a culinary herb.

Sweet Marjoram (500 Seeds)

Sweet Marjoram is mainly used as a culinary herb, adding a sweet and spicy flavor to foods. The plants themselves reach a mature height of about 12 inches tall and can grow up to 18 inches wide. Not only are these herbs used to add flavoring to various foods, they also make a cute flower as well. They produce pink flowers atop their green foliage, attracting butterflies and bumblebees to the garden.

Italian Oregano (500 Seeds)

Italian oregano is a very fragrant herb which displays it's red-flushed, green leaves through the summer months. The plants will display clusters of pink flowers, above its many, 1 & 1/2 inch leaves. These beauties will attract not only your eye, but various butterflies, bumblebees, honeybees and hummingbirds as well. The plant stand to a mature height of only 12 to 18 inches tall.

Italian Parsley (200 Seeds)

Italian Flat Leaf Parsley is a biennial plant that grows the first year and blooms the second. In cold climates, it is simply an annual, and can't winter over. Growing to a mature height of about a 15 to 18 inches tall, Italian Flat Leaf is a somewhat bushy herb. It develops sturdy, slender stems and its flat leaves are deeply serrated and dark green. At first glance, you might even mistake the leaves for that of Cilantro herbs.

Rosemary (100 Seeds)

Calling to mind the sea mist along the coastal cliffs of its native Mediterranean region that it is named for, Rosmarinus officinalus, or "Rosemary," is a versatile addition to your herb garden or yard. Easily growing to heights of 12 to 36+ inches tall and 3 feet wide, rosemary can make a beautiful hedge to set off your property lines, or you can grow it in containers that can be easily moved indoors in the coldest temperatures. With its crisp, pleasant odor, it is also the perfect border to sidewalks and walkways, releasing its fragrance when brushed in passing.

Broad Leaf Sage (100 Seeds)

Sage produces large, tender, green leaves under mauve colored flowers. Popularly used as a medicinal herb and a culinary herb, Sage is a staple in creating that famous Thanksgiving dressing. Not only is it tasty, but it is easy on the eyes as well. These herb plants make an attractive flower that can be used in all sorts of areas in the yard. Grow Sage in pots & containers, use it as a border plant, and even in rock gardens as well.

Summer Savory (200 Seeds)

Satureja hortensis, or Summer Savory, is an easy to grow herb that will delight the palette and provide an ample feast for your eyes. When this annual plant blooms from July to September, delightful lilac flowers emerge to enhance the aroma and color of any well-kept garden. As the plant swiftly extends its branches during the warm season, it can grow to 12 to 18 inches in height and approximately 1 foot in width.

German Thyme (500 Seeds)

Thyme is a popular herb that produces 16 inch plants with small pink flowers. The leaves are harvested to add flavor to all sorts of culinary dishes, including fish, chowders, sauces, stuffings, soups, meats and poultry. Thyme's pretty pink flowers will attract an array of beneficial insects to the garden, such as butterflies, bumblebees and hummingbirds too.

Blue Borage (50 Seeds)

It reaches a mature height of about 12 to 24 inches tall. Borage is not only sought after for it’s beauty, but also it’s cucumber flavored leaves and attractive flowers. Both of which are often used in salads, to add flavor and color. Grown as an annual herb, Borage will grow quickly, bloom profusely and then die soon after with the first frost. Plants can return the following year if seeds drop to the earth under it, or if they are collected for resowing.