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Growing Up In The Ozark Mountains

by Hobert Youngblood

This book is about my life that began in 1936. My parents had lost their first born when a breach delivery went wrong and a baby boy was dead at birth. Now their second child had whooping cough and pneumonia in both lungs not expected to live. A miracle saved my life and began a total of five healthy children in my immediate family. A world at war and an enormous depression ravaged the nation, yet showing the resolution of its citizens our nation moved forward. This barefoot boy in grade school, now with a top-secret clearance was maintaining equipment that encrypted and decrypted our nations secrets in the headquarters communications center in the pentagon. This same boy, at age 24 became a Christian. His travels have taken him to most of the states in the USA as well as Mexico, Africa, Europe, Cyprus, syria, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and Canada. In many of these locations he has been instrumental in strengthening the local church. Join me as we take a journey back to the days of yesteryear as I grew up in the Ozark Mountains.

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Author Hobert Youngblood
Pages 202
Publisher Independently Published
Year 2021
ISBN-13 9798482027929
Publication Date 2021-09-22
UK Release Date 2021-09-22
Format Paperback
Imprint Independently Published
Audience General
