Sun Dried Rose Petals ~ Culinary Grade Herb for Health, Baking, Tinctures & Crafts
1/2 Cup

Rose petals contain antimicrobials or anti-bacterial compounds that kill or slow down the growth of bacteria. They also possess antioxidant compounds and are a rich source of important minerals and vitamins.

Their anti-inflamatory properties help to calm irritated skin and reduce redness. These attributes are mainly used in rose water that are also natural astringent and help tighten the pores and promote glowing skin. 

~We take steps to ensure that my pesticide free grown Plants are premium quality & correctly identified. All my flowers and herbs are put into a cold water bath directly after harvesting and spin dried after soaking.
 While some plants are considered edible by standard accepted knowledge , Our Nesting Box is not assuming any responsibility if you decide to consume my edible flowers and leaves. Please check with a professional for any allergies first before using for any reason as some people are allergic.~

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