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The Homeschooling Parent Teaches MATH!

by Kerridwen Mangala McNamara

This book is here to help you deal with your own math-phobias and come to - if not outright enjoy math, to at least appreciate it and be able to convey it to your kids without passing on the fear.

Brand New

Publisher Description

We all worry about our kids learning math. Even if the kids are in school, there's always a concern.Sometimes it's about the kid's concern... sometimes it's about their teacher's concern (parent-teacher or otherwise).But a lot of the time it's about US.It's about our own math-phobias - those 'fears, dislikes, or aversions' that we picked up from our own math experiences and that we inadvertently pass on to our kids. We don't want them to be afraid of math - we know that limits their opportunities and makes their lives harder and costs them more money - but we just can't help it.This book is here to help you deal with your own math-phobias and come to - if not outright enjoy math, to at least appreciate it and be able to convey it to your kids without passing on the fear. Kerridwen Mangala McNamara is NOT a 'math-lover' but she is a math-appreciator and has worked through most of these issues herself.Let her help you along your homeschooling journey and show you how to fight the Fear-of-Math monster so that it no longer intimidates you - or your kids!

Author Biography

Kerridwen Mangala McNamara is an Indian-American with a Master's degree in Bacterial Genetics who lives in Flyover Country (the far northern end of the US South) with her husband, The Professor, four of her six children, and three goats. The goats eat, The Professor plays chess, and the children largely unschool while Mangala writes. Mangala is a former professional bellydance instructor, currently coaches FIRST Lego League and model government teams, runs homeschool parent support groups, and used to enjoy knitting, crotchet and embroidering Temari balls but now is much more boring as she rarely does anything but write, argue economic theory with her 17 and 14 year olds, and wonder loudly if her 12 and 10 year olds do anything other than watch Minecraft videos. She owes her love of books and reading to her mother, who was a professional folklorist and could recite - from memory - stories from every nation in the United Nations.Mangala spent most of her life as a Math-Appreciator, but definitely NOT a Math-Enthusiast. To be honest, her tolerance for Math has its ups and downs these days, and that nasty old Fear Monster bites her in the butt whenever she tries to help her High School Senior with Calculus. (Higher math is not like riding a bike...) One of Mangala's major goals is for her kids not to share that Math Fear, however. Nor her fear of dogs and high places. All three topics are a work in progress with greater and lesser successes and failures, and aside from occasional nightmares about suddenly discovering she was registered for a college course she didn't know about right before Finals Week... it's going well enough that Child #3 (Calculus-kid aka Car-Guy aka "I hate math" Guy) was recently heard to be advocating for Math now being "fun" to a younger child and telling him to stick with it till the other kid gets there. (Note that Child #3 never said this to Mangala directly... it was passed to her through another sibling.)You never know...


"I LOVE how she writes - fast-paced, engaging, strong connections, vast scope (three thumbs up)" - Catherine Mirsky, professional sculptor and homeschooling mom


Author Kerridwen Mangala McNamara
Pages 170
Publisher Rising Dragon Books
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781960160218
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-11-19
Imprint Rising Dragon Books
Subtitle Bringing Math to the Math-Averse (Parents and Kids Both!)
Audience General
