Quentin-Pierre Chedel (1705 - 1762)

1. Espagnole de Quito 2. Indienne de distinction 3. Barbier Indien 4. Metive de Quito 5. Paisan Indien 6. Indienne du Commun

Printed 1756.

Overall sizeĀ 24.8 x 19.8 cm

Copper engraving.

1. Spaniard of Quito 2. Indian of distinction 3. Indian barber 4. Mestizo of Quito 5. Indian peasant 6. Common Indian.

Bellin, Jacques Nicolas "Plan de la Baye et Ville de Portobelo en 1736" Size: 12.9 x 7.5 inches 32.8 x 19.1 cm This attractive chart shows Portobelo, the important Spanish port city on the northern coast of Panama. Numerous soundings are located and a key at right identifies important locations. The chart is surrounded by a boldly engraved border. Not in Kapp's carto-bibliography of Panama.