The origins of the Archer date back to 2458 when Earthwerks Incorporated debuted a prototype known as the ARC-1A Archer. The design was created at the request of the Terran Hegemony's HAF for a new "heavy fire support BattleMech" and took nearly nine years to finalize. This was in part due to the design team; a combination of former HAF MechWarriors, field technicians, and general officer consultants and the company's engineer team led by Supervising Engineer Linn Tommi squabbling over theoretical and practical issues. The complex engineering proposal brought before the HAF included complicated, hard-to-repair stabilization equipment and advanced, computer-slaved sensors, meant to make the Archer the most accurate BattleMech in existence. However, the final prototype abandoned these requirements in favor of a sturdier, blockier, and more heavily armored frame still familiar today. It was so successful that it remained the Hegemony standard for more than a decade and a half until advances in technology allowed Earthwerks to produce a more efficient model.

-Resin printed on a Formlabs Form 3+ to ensure great detail on every mini print! 

-All miniatures are carefully washed, cured, and inspected after printing to make them "ready to prime and paint" upon arrival! 

-Battletech-accurate Scaling. These miniatures are scaled against the latest Battletech miniatures for the most accurate scaling. 

-All models are printed in a GREY or WHITE photopolymer resin and are fully cured before being packaged for shipping! 

Images may be renders of the models and physical prints may differ slightly, if you would like to see examples of our prints if there is not a physical listing displayed please feel free to reach out! We will remove all supports prior to shipping and minimal finishing will be required prior to painting.