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The Hippie History of Hashish

by Earthman

The HIPPIE HISTORY of HASHISH. This book unveils at last why Western civilization has been terrified by hashish and marijuana for the last 1,000 years -- and conversely, why Islamists are repulsed by alcohol -- as the evil elixir of satan. The OPENING SCENE finds Earthman and his mystical inner Goddess savoring a final sunset together on the Greek Island of Rhodes after a sacred visit to his old meditation cave near the village of Lindos ... "Silently, Goddess Earthy and I ponder the Turkish mountains. Alas, if we were to innocently smoke a bowl of hashish to spice up the sunset, the ghosts of the Crusader Knights would howl in fear, and the Greek police would imprison us like dangerous, diseased dogs. But if we stick to drinking our tumbler of ouzo, we remain safe and supremely invisible." "Why this silly drama? Why this extreme anachronistic cultural chasm between Europe and Asia -- between Rhodes and Turkey -- separated by a lousy 12km across the Mediterranean? To heal this centuries-old cultural wound between Europe and Asia, subterranean sleuths must band together and investigate the history of hashish during the last millennium. Our tale begins in Persia in 1068 AD -- during the warfare between the Assassins of Hashishan and the Christian Crusaders across the vast deserts of Persia and Syria -- all they way to the Lebanese coastline." The HIPPIE HISTORY of HASHISH is written with humor and compassion for all common humans equally -- for both Islamic folks and for Westerners alike. Absolutely transcending all national prejudices, Earthman's historic tale throws a kindhearted, humanistic light on the seemingly endless present-day wars between Islamic militias and Western governments. The Earthman is a intrepid and fearless world traveler. During the last 48 years starting in 1967 at 20 years old -- he has explored and got down with the common people in Greece, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Ceylon, the Maldives, Nepal, and Southeast Asia. He has journeyed across the deserts of Persia eight times by land, so he knows from firsthand experience what he is talking about in this story. Within Earthman's heart, the Islamic culture has offered him a soothing bejeweled divan -- lavished with damask pillows and fringed with Arabian Sea pearls and brocaded silks from Damascus -- on which to recline his weathered body, punished by extreme world travel. Earthman painstakingly researched 11th-Century Persia. Thus, every flower, tree, place name, and historical moment rings true. If you have a loved one doing hard time in prison for entheogens -- marijuana, hashish, LSD, ecstasy (MDMA), dimethyl-tryptamine (DMT), peyote (mescaline), psilocybin mushrooms, ibogaine, or ayahuasca -- this book will remove the monkey of fake guilt off his back and restore his natural, innocent spirit. This is the FANTASY BEDTIME COMPANION for marijuana prisoners! Earthman's down-to-earth research places the pointless WAR on DRUGS into a perspective that liberates those devastated, depressed spirits -- who have been swept away and imprisoned by the Drug War's draconian dragnet. The HIPPIE HISTORY of HASHISH is handsomely illustrated with 15 full-color paintings by the finest Western artists during the Oriental craze that swept Europe beginning about 1810. This West-meets-East fuse was lit by the first Western translation of the "Arabian Nights" by Antoine Galland in 1704. Magnificent and anatomically-explicit 19th Century paintings teleported the bedazzled European voyeur beneath the veil. What great make-believe to be the powerful Sultan! To smoke hashish from your jewel-encrusted hookah! What a prehistoric male paradise -- to choose from a pool of naked harem slaves your new lover! With lots of white Caucasian bitches from the mountains too! Enslavement! Bondage in 50 shades of turquoise! Power! Hashish! Hookahs! Nudity! Free Sex! Oh, why not fling some horny eunuchs onto the puppy pile!

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Author Biography

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Earthman is a hippie historian and photo-journalist who focuses on the old HASHISH TRAIL hippie scene from Istanbul to India and Southeast Asia during the Golden Hippie Era from 1965 to 1975. He designs his own books for Amazon and Kindle reader and uses no outside editors. His work is edgy and all his own. Like his standup comedy, Earthman's writing style is provocative, in your face, and sexually explicit. The author welcomes indigenous Earthlings to share in his common life and compassionate global perspective on his website: EARTHPEOPLE WORLD HQ.COM. In the winter, Earthman savors his isolated shack in Hawaii -- where he recharges his spiritual batteries. In the summer, he parties hearty at the entheogenic hippie festivals on the California scene. He founded the EARTHPEOPLE COMEDY CREW in 2002. Since then, Earthman has produced and performed in 50 outrageous evenings of comedy at the 10,000 acre, wilderness Harbin Hot Springs Retreat in northern California. He swims a half mile everyday before breakfast. Earthman is 68 years old with all original parts. Where's the party? The Rainbow Gathering? Burning Man?


Author Earthman
Pages 102
Language English
ISBN-10 1515265242
ISBN-13 9781515265245
Media Book
Format Paperback
Series Goddess Earthy
Year 2015
Publication Date 2015-09-10
Imprint Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Publisher Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Series Number 3
Audience General
