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Theft of Fire

by Devon Eriksen

Debut novelist Devon Eriksen's Theft of Fire is a gripping scifi story, of what happens when a down-on-his-luck asteroid miner is blackmailed into the opportunity of a lifetime.

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Publisher Description

At the frozen edge of the solar system lies a hidden treasure which could spell their fortune or their destruction-but only if they survive each other first.
Marcus Warnoc has a little problem. His asteroid mining ship-his inheritance, his livelihood, and his home-has been hijacked by a pint-sized corporate heiress with enough blackmail material to sink him for good, a secret mission she won't tell him about, and enough courage to get them both killed. She may have him dead to rights, but if he doesn't turn the tables on this spoiled Martian snob, he'll be dead, period. He's not giving up without a fight.
He has a plan.
Miranda Foxgrove has the opportunity of a lifetime almost within her grasp if she can reach it. Her stolen spacecraft came with a stubborn, resourceful captain who refuses to cooperate-but he's one of the few men alive who can snatch an unimaginable treasure from beneath the muzzles of countless railguns. And if this foulmouthed Belter thug doesn't want to cooperate, she'll find a way to force him. She's come too far to give up now.
She has a plan.
They're about to find out that a plan is a list of things that won't happen.

Author Biography

Devon Eriksen grew up with images of the galaxy and the imagined worlds of the golden age of science fiction. Now a retired software engineer, he writes with one purpose in mind: give the reader something to love. Learn more about his writing, sign up for his mailing list, and access free short stories, as


"Shoot-em-up space opera, mysterious alien artifacts, freedom-minded Belters versus corporate oligarchs, and even a bit of romance highlight this masterpiece of the new golden age of optimistic, imaginative science fiction." -John Walker, co-founder, Autodesk, Inc.
"Just read the first chapter and I'm already sold on the universe."-Emmett Shear, co-founder of Twitch
"Intense! It's been awhile since a book has called me the way this one has.It has the character development of John Varley, the plot twists of Robert E Taylor, battle scenes that are reminiscent of Jack Campbell, and the dramatic angst of Stephen R. Donaldson. Behind it all lurks an irreverent Nivenesque humor."-Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin, author of Clean Code
"This is the best new hard sci-fi I've read in a long time. It follows in the best traditions of Asimov, Heinlein, Niven, Vinge, Card, Zahn, and the like."-JT, Space Force Systems Engineer
"Theft of Fire combines the kind of enjoyable space opera you'd get in classic Asimov books with a great interpersonal plot and romance and puts it all in a 22nd century hard SciFi setting similar to The Expanse. And it's just awesome!... If you enjoy a good action and adventure SciFi that centers human agency, fallibility, and growth, then you'll love Theft of Fire."- Ummon Karpe, Rocket Scientist
"A down-on-his-luck asteroid miner, a mysterious heiress, an ancient alien race--Devon Eriksen's Theft of Fire weaves these classic elements into a story that feels refreshingly cutting-edge, with prose as lean and no-frills as the hero's hand-rolled spaceship. The physics are so tight it feels like he spent hours plotting out each scene with a slide rule, and the characters so lovingly drawn I believed in them from the first line of dialog--including one of the most convincing post-GPT AIs I've seen in print. If you're tired of stories that preach at you, insult your intelligence... if you're after a book that promises a good old-fashioned hard sci-fi adventure in the spirit of Gregory Benford or James S.A. Corey, and then delivers so much more, then this is one you won't want to miss."-Johnny Schmidt, Failure Mode
"I love a good sci-fi heist, but the main strength of Theft of Fire is in its characters."-Stephanie Hance, engineer and avid reader


Author Devon Eriksen
Publisher Devon Eriksen LLC
Series Orbital Space
Year 2023
ISBN-13 9781962514026
Format Paperback
Publication Date 2023-11-11
Imprint Devon Eriksen LLC
Subtitle Orbital Space #1
Series Number 1
Audience General
Pages 496
