Inquisition - Into the Infernal Regions... CD
CD ist noch original eingeschweißt!!! NEUWARE!!

Versandkostenpauschale in Deutschland 1-2 CDs = 1,80 Euro, 3-5 CDs = 2,80 Euro!
International shipping for 1-2 items is 7,- Euro by registrated Airmail!

01. Unholy Magic Attack
02. Those Of The Night
03. The Initiation
04. Empire Of Luciferian Race
05. Summoned By Ancient Wizards Under A Black Moon
06. Journey To Infernukeorreka
07. Into The Infernal Regions Of The Ancient Cult
08. Mighty Wargod Of The Templars (Hail Baphomet)
09. Solitary Death In The Nocturnal Woodlands
10. Hail The Cult