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From The Frying Pan To The Jacuzzi

by Vernon R. Bradley

Couples today are not wanting to opt out of their relationships simply because of irreconcilable differences the way they were twenty five years ago. Instead they seem determined to hold onto the wonder-ful part of the relationship and find a way to work through the differences. The stumbling block is that couples, more than ever, deeply desire a relationship that is characterized by equality and reciprocity and not so much by traditional roles, traditional expectations, or traditional norms. Unfortunately, there are no models for such a relationship. "From The Frying Pan To The Jacuzzi" invites couples to reach and stretch beyond the ordinary to the "gourmet." The book invites couples to "savor" twenty recipes, none of which are necessarily easy, but all simple, juicy, and doable! The book is informative, insightful, and fun. The reader will laugh and cry.

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Author Biography

At the time of this writing, I am sixty four years old. I intend to live to beyond a hundred. I am a licensed Marriage Family Therapist, and I really enjoy my "work." I particularly enjoy working with couples and families. My greatest qualification is having lived for sixty four years and experienced all that has happened in the universe since 1945. I did manage to go to graduate school, and I have a masters degree in counseling psychology. I have worked in the mental health field since my junior year of college, a total of 42 years. I have been in private practice for twenty seven years. During that time, my first wife, Roberta, passed away and I subsequently remarried Dianna. Living in relationship has always been important to me whether we're talking marriage, friendship, or even business. I am intrigued by how wonder-ful relationships can be, but also how painful and at times challenging they can be. I think Roberta let me get away with a lot in our marriage where Dianna lets me get away with almost nothing! I have dedicated a lot of my waking hours to exploring relationships--what makes them tick and what throws them off track. I follow the batting average approach to life and to relationships. Batting three hundred is a really excellent batting average, but it means that you are only being successful about thirty percent of the time. But it also says that you are willing to step up to the plate one hundred percent of the time! So, by no means do I have it all together when it comes to relationships. But that's what makes it all so wonder-ful. Neither person in the relationship has to be perfect. In Scripture, the Greek root meaning of what we translate as "perfect" is actually "grown up." So you don't have to be perfect, just grown up! How cool is that?


Author Vernon R. Bradley
Pages 192
Language English
ISBN-10 1448688728
ISBN-13 9781448688722
Media Book
Format Paperback
Year 2009
Publication Date 2009-09-22
Imprint Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Country of Publication United States
AU Release Date 2009-09-22
NZ Release Date 2009-09-22
US Release Date 2009-09-22
UK Release Date 2009-09-22
Publisher Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Subtitle Gourmet Recipes For A Gourmet Relationship
Audience General
