Rear silencer tailpipe exhaust rear Opel BMW 5 Series 525 i
Important details about the part
brandModelConstruction yearplatformTypeengine
Only fits: 1988/06 - 1990/09 (catalyst type: for vehicles with catalytic converter, catalytic converter type: for vehicles without catalytic converter, model: E34), 1988/01 - 1990/09 (catalyst type: for vehicles with catalytic converter, catalytic converter type: for vehicles without catalytic converter, engine code: M20, model: E34)fewerBMW5s1988/01-1991/08E34525i2494 cc, 125 KW, 170 HP

OE comparison no. 18121719428
Bosal comparison no. 284-135
Comparison no. 03.77

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fits your vehicle. It can also be in the same series
Parts installed by the vehicle manufacturer vary.
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Vehicle.If this exhaust doesn't fit, we will find the right one for you and give you a fair price.We have almost all spare parts for almost all car brands and types.
We can only guarantee a perfect fit if you let us check your vehicle details before purchasing!

Rear silencer tailpipe exhaust rear Opel BMW 5 Series 525 i Only fits: 1988/06 - 1990/09 (catalyst type: for vehicles with catalytic converter, catalytic converter type: for vehicles without catalytic converter, model: E34), 1988/01 - 1990/09 (catalyst type: for vehicles with catalytic converter, catalytic converter type: for vehicles without catalytic converter, engine code: M20, model: E34)fewer If your vehicle is on this list, this doesn't have to be the case Please provide us with the key numbers, year of manufacture and engine of yours Vehicle.If this exhaust doesn't fit, we will find the right one for you and give you a fair price.We have almost all spare parts for almost all car brands and types. We can only guarantee a perfect fit if you let us check your vehicle details before p