Absolutely Authentic Greek Flower Honey 250gr - 5kg Superior Quality Product

Origin :Greece

Honey from a mixture of wild flowers with a specific geographical origin, characterized by an identified floral set.

The mixing that takes place in the honeycombs by the bees, causes the uniqueness of its taste. It is one of the most delicious and aromatic honeys.Useful properties and contraindications of flower honey
Flower honey can be called in different ways: meadow, forest, mountain, etc. It all depends on where they were collected. If honey contains up to 40% lime pollen - it is called lime, although there may be pollen and other flowers. The bee product is endowed with a rich natural composition. It contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Contains vitamins C, K, B, as well as folic acid. In a word, the honey flower is ideal for shaping the body's defenses and well-being and is therefore especially useful for people with any ailments after their transfer.In flower honey contains fructose and glucose. When they enter the body, they immediately receive strength and energy. Experts say that for good health, every morning you should eat on an empty stomach for 1 teaspoon. honey. It also contains fruit and grape sugar. It is easily absorbed by the body and does not trigger the onset of diabetes. Flower honey has a high caloric content and nutritional value, so when consuming it, it is important not to overdo it.Natural flower honey is a natural energy. With regular use of this product, the body will receive the required amount of carbohydrates. Maybe this is why flower honey is so popular with some athletes - it allows you to quickly regain your strength after strenuous training.

 produce our honey from our family, with a lot of love and devotion to keep it pure and natural with a perfect taste! For this reason, every year there are limited quantities. A test will believe you !!!
Combine all these facts together and you can start to understand why Greek honey has a top position in the world market.

Disclaimer: These statements and products have not been evaluated by the FDA. They are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition. If you have a health concern or condition, consult your doctor. Always consult a medical doctor before modifying your diet or using any new product.