A very rare and fascinating volume that goes into the occult development of man , work on the astral plane and communication with adept entities on the astral planes associated with different planets and star systems ( Sirius ) , the Native American ghost dance and Sundance rituals , and much more. An intriguing book.

Check out the photos for samples of the volume.

An associate of madam Blavatsky , G. R. S. Meade and many of the early theosophists occultist of the late 19th century. Member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. He did much work in psychical research.

“ Sir William Crookes (1832-1919) was an English physicist and chemist, and an early member of the Theosophical Society. His professional work centered on spectroscopy, vacuum tubes, cathode rays, radioactivity, and invention of the radiometer. He was knighted in 1897, and was president of the Royal Society.

He achieved some remarkable results with experiments in "Radiant Matter." He was one of the "highest minds" whom the Adept Founders of the TS had hoped to interest in Theosophy. He became a member of the TS and One of the five councilors of the Society. HPB states (LBS, pp 224-5) that he was teaching a very occult doctrine and the the Mahatmas intended to help him.

Sir William Crookes and his wife joined The Theosophical Society in London on December 15, 1883, together with Charles Webster Leadbeater. In 1890 he was initiated into the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and in the 1890s joined the Society for Psychical Research. Later, he joined the Ghost Club, a paranormal research organization, of which he was president from 1907 to 1912.”

Tags : franz bardon , aleister Crowley , Eliphas Levi, a. E. Waite , magus ,