Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin

 (9 March 1934 – 27 March 1968) was a Siviet Air force pilot

 and cosmonaut  who became the first human to journey 

into outer space , achieving a major milestone in the Space 

Race; his capsule , Vostok 1 completed one orbit of Earth 

on 12 April 1961.

Yuri is pictured here together with fellow cosmonauts 

styding something important !
Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin 's Mother

Yuri Gagarin  (9 March 1934 – 27 March 1968) was a Siviet Air force pilot

 and cosmonaut  who became the first human to journey 

into outer space , achieving a major milestone in the Space 

Race; his capsule , Vostok 1 completed one orbit of Earth 

on 12 April 1961.

Yuri is pictured here together with fellow cosmonauts

 at the class room .

Soviet printed photographic postcard , printed in 1969

SIZE : 145 mm by 105 mm


Mint , please see picture .