Chris Botti Vol.1


“Less is more” is a truism. “Vol. 1”, the new album by Chris Botti, one of the most successful trumpeters in the world. Botti has recorded as an accompanist with an astonishing number of pop and crossover superstars throughout his career, and has also invited famous guests and symphonic accompaniment to his own albums, some of which have achieved gold and platinum status. On his Blue Note debut, he rigorously scales back such effort and only presents himself with a small but fine line-up. The result is pure musical magic.

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“Less is more” is a truism. “Vol. 1”, the new album by Chris Botti, one of the most successful trumpeters in the world. Botti has recorded as an accompanist with an astonishing number of pop and crossover superstars throughout his career, and has also invited famous guests and symphonic accompaniment to his own albums, some of which have achieved gold and platinum status. On his Blue Note debut, he rigorously scales back such effort and only presents himself with a small but fine line-up. The result is pure musical magic. Our founding year in 1998 - long after vinyl was declared dead and long before vinyl was celebrated as a cool thing again - proves that we are real vinyl nerds. We started out as a small record dealer from home. Later we opened our first real record store and of course o