We love espresso. Based on the classic Italian style of espresso, Twin Engine Espresso is rich and full flavored with a healthy crema-that foamy bit on top of your espresso if you make it with great coffee and a good machine. Twin Engine Espresso has rich tastes and great balance including hints of cocoa, moderate citrusy acidity, and a whole heap of Italian Style. Espresso is available in our custom espresso roast, whole bean or ground. Our Espresso grind is a fine grind preparation, ready to use with your choice of espresso machine.
Perfect for Espresso, Cappuccino, Latte or any Italian coffee drink. Produces a thick rich creamy head.
Small Batch Roasted - Every bean in this bag was roasted in a 10 lb batch by our roaster to ensure the very best in every bean.
Nicaragua's Coffee - We present the best of Nicaragua's coffees to show you the delicious tastes and craftsmanship of our country.
Specialty Grade - These beans all meet the international standards of Specialty Grade meaning that you are drinking coffee in the top 5% of global coffees
Bagged at Source - This bag was filled at the source to ensure that no unwanted beans made it into this standard setting product.