Quantity : 3Packs : 300 Caps
- Weight : 1 Pack : 100 caps 
- packing : 100 Vcaps / bag.
- Ingredients : 100% Pure Kariyat, No artificial ingredients add. One capsule contains 500 mg of Kariyat powder.
- Thai FDA registered number G 813/46

This Product is a one of Natural product of Asoke Group, the biggest vegetarian group in Thailand. 

An extremely bitter herb that acts as a tonic and alterative. It lowers fever, relieves intermittent fever, improves appetite and digestion, expels intestinal parasites, and has ANTIBIOTICS anti-bacterial effects.

Household Remedies:
- To Relieve Hot fever, Heart burn, Thirst, Sore throat, Antipyretic ;
- Take 1-2 capsule each time, 4 times a day, before meal and before going to bed.