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2052 Os.Kar HO Railcar set ALn 556.2217 and ALn 556.2225 FS in epoch IV


you describe2052 Os.Kar HO Railcar set ALn 556.2217 and ALn 556.2225 FS in epoch IV

FS set 2 railcars ALn 556.2217 motorized and ALn 556.2225not motorized ep. IV. Isabella brown livery. Finely detailed model with reported interior furnishings and standard lighting with separate control (both analog and digital) for the passenger compartment, cockpits and front lights. Socket for Plux 22 decodel. Speaker installed as standard. 2 5-pole motors hidden under the floor. Decoder and switches compartment accessible under the cash register. ATTENTION: minimum circulation radius 420 mm.

ABS plastic case with separately reported glasses. Metal frame. Interior furniture reproduced and separated in several colors between the passenger area and cabins. Inscription in curves with a minimum radius of 420mm
Series lighting. Controlled in analogue with micro switches and in digital. Separate lighting between cabins and passenger compartment. Automatic white/red front lighting according to the direction of travel
Prepared with PLUX-22 socket and loudspeaker installed as standard
2 5-pole motors hidden under the interior furniture
Fully assembled model (in the additions only the tie bars, the driver's windshield flaps and the sides of the bogies for the realistic non-plastic version (radiuses greater than 540mm

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FS set 2 railcars ALn 556.2217 motorized and ALn 556.2225not motorized ep. IV. Isabella brown livery. Finely detailed model with reported interior furnishings and standard lighting with separate control (both analog and digital) for the passenger compartment, cockpits and front lights. Socket for Plux 22 decodel. Speaker installed as standard. 2 5-pole motors hidden under the floor. Decoder and switches compartment accessible under the cash register. ATTENTION: minimum circulation radius 420 mm. ABS plastic case with separately reported glasses. Metal frame. Interior furniture reproduced and separated in several colors between the passenger area and cabins. Inscription in curves with a minimum radius of 420mm Series lighting. Controlled in analogue with micro switches and in digital. Sepa
FS set 2 railcars ALn 556.2217 motorized and ALn 556.2225not motorized ep. IV. Isabella brown livery. Finely detailed model with reported interior furnishings and standard lighting with separate control (both analog and digital) for the passenger compartment, cockpits and front lights. Socket for Plux 22 decodel. Speaker installed as standard. 2 5-pole motors hidden under the floor. Decoder and switches compartment accessible under the cash register. ATTENTION: minimum circulation radius 420 mm. ABS plastic case with separately reported glasses. Metal frame. Interior furniture reproduced and separated in several colors between the passenger area and cabins. Inscription in curves with a minimum radius of 420mm Series lighting. Controlled in analogue with micro switches and in digital. Sepa