Master Zhang Tianran And Yiguandao Society Vintage Picture Tian Dao Site.

Zhang Tianran August 1889 – September 1947 born Kui Sheng was the eighteenth patriarch of the Yiguandao religious sect. He is usually referred to as the Father of Yiguandao, or as Shi Zun meaning the Honored Teacher.

Yiguandao / I-Kuan Tao meaning the Consistent Way or Persistent Way, is a Chinese salvationist religious sect that emerged in the late 19th century, in Shandong, to become China's most important redemptive society in the 1930s and 1940s, especially during the Japanese invasion. In the 1930s Yiguandao spread rapidly throughout China led by Zhang Tianran, who is the eighteenth patriarch of the Latter Far East Tao Lineage, and Sun Suzhen, the first matriarch of the Lineage.
