Diffuse reflectance measurement Ocean optics USB2000+, integrating sphere camera

All you need to do diffuse reflectance measurements

Based on a modified Harrick scientific Barrelino diffuse reflectance probe (designed for the Cary 50 but modified to get fiber optic output to SMA). The probe has an integrated camera to allow perfect positioning of the sample.

Light source is a BWTEK tungsten lamp guided using UV Fiber optic cables from Avantes


Spectrometer is an Ocean Optics, now Ocean Insight USB2000+, range 174-880nm

There are 2 types of reflection, specular (or mirror like) and diffuse reflectance

The specular portion depends on the shine or gloss (roughness) of the sample, therefore same materials can give different spectra depending how shiny they are creating interpretation problems.

The probe is designed to only collect diffuse reflectance (please see diagram in pictures). The diffuse element is collected and reimaged onto the fiber cable using two opposing coaxial parabolic mirrors (basically a focused integrating sphere)

The sampling plane is 1.5mm below the bottom plane. Three teflon balls at the bottom of the probe, project the plate out 1.5mm and define the sample plane.

The light source can be upgraded for UV analysis such as Deuterium lamps


Perfect  working condition 

See the instrument in action here:



  • Harrick Scientific, barrelino DRIFTS probe with integrated fiber optic and camera
  • Ocean optics USB2000+ spectrometer 174-880nm
  • Avantes Fiber optic cables
  • All power suplies
  • USB frame grabber to get signal from the camera using any Windows based software
  • BWTEK tungsten lamp 
  • USB cables
  • Software and instructions provided in electronic format

Feel free to ask any questions