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Nelson Frazier Shoot Interview 

(aka Big Daddy V aka Viscera aka King Mabel in the WWE)

After getting his big break in 1993 by signing with the World Wrestling Federation, Frazier has wrestled through three notorious, influential, and memorable erasthe New Generation (1993-1995), the Attitude Era (1998-2001), and his most recent run through 2008.

Hear Frazier compare and contrast all three various locker rooms throughout his career. Hes seen it all and now hear him talk about it.  How he adapted from locker room to locker room.

Hear his heartfelt comments on the late Bam Bam Bigelow and what he meant to him.  Also, his thoughts on Jerry Lawler, Yokozuna, the Undertaker, Bret the Hitman Hart as a champion, the rise of King Mabel and how it affected his relationship with his best friend- Mo.  What also happened to Oscar and how he was perceived by their peers.

For the first time from the man himself, hear his views of having to wrestle after Owen Harts tragic death in Kansas City in 1999. Should the pay-per-view have been stopped?

Finally, find out the reason behind the split of the 'Men on a Mission' tag team--and this is where things get a little emotional. Also, his thoughts on Vince McMahon's "big man fetish," winning the 1995 King of the Ring, the Viscera character, the World's Largest Love Machine persona, the original plan for the Big Daddy V gimmick and his talks with Vince, his WWE releases including 2008, his new movie career, thoughts on ROH, TNA, and it does not stop there.  Not even close!