About this Item

The item format is a CD
This specific sale is a new release, shipped direct from the manufacturer
The Artist Name is Timo Maas
The Title is Balance 017

Condition New

Other Comments

The Media Condition is NEW
The Sleeve Condition is NEW
The Tracks of this item include:
1. Morning Beauty 2:26
2. A Day After George 3:38
3. A Time For Us Original Mix 2:17
4. Acapulco Sasse Remix 1:41
5. Loss For Words Vector Lovers Remix 2:47
6. The One For Ever Toby Tobias Dub Mix 2:29
7. Man From Ternopil 3:14
8. Sing 2:24
9. Kawaba DJ Koze's Kosi-San Remix 7:04
10. Blume Der Nacht
11. Once Again Kuniyuki Version 6:16
12. Across The East Side 4:33
13. Spacemooger Experience
14. Imanah Patrick Chardronnet Deep Mix 6:45
15. The 1st Thing 3:42
16. Elements The Dtour 5:50
17. Solano 4:02
18. The City Never Sleeps 4:42
19. Fluxus 4:11
20. At Les 3:11
21. Nimrod Timo Maas & Santos Remix 6:12
22. Latenza 0:54
23. Luna Mutant Clan Laser Gun Remix 4:15
24. Glob Kenny Larkin Mix 2:50
25. Take Control Matthias Tanzmann Remix 3:29
26. To Be Large 4:54
27. Nervous Disid 4:27
28. Totally Wet Adam Port & Sante Remix 2:35
29. Lights Out Timo Maas Remix 4:34
30. Kick 1 Kick 3 4:02
31. Arcadia 5:15
32. Faire Des Siennes Mutant Clan Caraibic Remix 5:07
33. Matinee 5:53
34. Chinese Massage Alex Dolby Porno Dolby Remix 6:18
35. Clouds 4:46
36. It's Wronger 3:31
37. Somewhere 4:02
38. Acperience 1 5:50
39. Ashtray Heart Timo Maas Balanced Out Mix 5:58

We Use Stock Images
Because we have over 2 million items for sale we have to use stock images, this listing does not include the actual image of the item for sale. The purchase of this specific item is made with the understanding that the image shown in this listing is a stock image and not the actual item for sale. For example: some of our stock images include stickers, labels, price tags, hyper stickers, obi's, promotional messages, signatures and or writing which may not be available in the actual item.

The Sleeve
When we describe the sleeve we are describing the printed paper cover or booklet that is included inside the case.  The case is not part of the sleeve.

CD Version
CD's are released in many editions and variations, such as standard edition, re-issue, demonstration demo, not for sale, promotional promo, special edition, limited edition, and many other editions and versions.  The CD  you receive could be any of these editions or variations. 

This  CD Inner and Outer Sleeve
For this specific sale  the  CDs sleeve condition refers only to the inner paper insert sleeve, and does not refer to the outer digipak,  jewel case or cardboard outer casing. While we ship all items with some outer casing, such as  a digipak,  jewel case,  cardboard casing,  or plastic sleeve, for this specific sale we are selling only the inner paper sleeve and CD only,  as specifically outlined in the description of this listing. we make this disclaimer as some collectors are looking for a specific outer case type.  The outer casing  is replaceable and has no value and is provided within this sale as packaging only. we make this disclaimer as the outside sleeve casing  can be damaged or scratching, and for this reason the outer casing is not offered as part of this sale as the Buyer  can easily replace the outer casings for the inner sleeve and CD.


Our CD's  are graded by the worldwide record industry standard  called the 'Record Grading 101: Understanding The Goldmine Grading Guide'. Search this term on Google if you have any queries about how music stores and collectors grade the CD's  and their sleeves.

Delivery Carrier and Courier Tracking
We use internal tracking codes when shipping goods.  If your item is not delivered within five days of dispatch you are welcome to contact us to track and resolve any delivery issues.

Gift Ideas
This is a  great  gift idea.

Hours of Service
We have many warehouses,  some of the warehouses process orders seven days a week, but the Administration Support Staff are located at a head office location, outside of the warehouses, and typically work only Monday to Friday.

Location ID 1398z

iHaveit SKU ID 154848698

Unique Reference Number iHav-PROP-SRD-BAL001CD