Picture Jasper Landscape Dendritic Pastel Tile Slab 484gram | 1lbs 2oz
6 x 3.5 inches

❤️ Picture Jasper is a beautiful form of brown/tan jasper that contains very intricate lines and color variations that resemble a painting. It's said to help us connect with the Earth and connect with energies from ancient civilizations to gain knowledge and wisdom. Each piece of picture jasper is said to contain a picture that carries guidance/knowledge from the past or from significant locations on the Earth.

❤️ Picture Jasper is said to show us pictures of the distant past. It helps us connect with the Earth's ley lines and receive messages that help us return to a state of balance and harmony individually and on the global level.
It helps to re-center ourselves with the global and Earth consciousness.
Picture Jasper promotes the release and letting go of repressed fears, guilt and other non-desired repressed emotions. Once out and surfaced, these can be dealt with and integrated.
It is said to help with business endeavours, especially when it comes to seeing the big picture and growing a business that's in harmony with its environment and that serves the greater good.
It brings a calming, grounding and nurturing Earth energy.
It is said to help bring support in the healing process with matters of the kidneys and skin.
It is also said to help with digestion and protect from electro smog's negative effects (man-made EMFs). Picture Jasper is found primarily in the US and South Africa:

❤️All our stones are stored at our small ranch in California and are allowed to soak up the peaceful and loving environment. They are not stuffed away in boxes or crates, but outside on display until they change homes.
There are many animals here, many previously neglected and abused that are drawn to the stones; no doubt the energy makes them curious as animals, being pure souls, can pick up gentle well-meaning vibrations better than we can. In the process I am sure they lovingly leave some of their innocent essence behind for the stones to soak up.

❤️Every stone carries the Universe inside, just look real close.