This book is very interesting. It was written by an architect in England. From what I can glean by scanning through this book, Bournville is a village in England, that was designed for factory workers to live in and raise families. Check out the photographs of these lovely buildings. They are brick cottages attached together in groups in that lovely English style. Evidently they have yards for the children to play in and plant gardens. There is a community center for the village. With the rise of industry this architect was concerned with the well being of those who worked in the industries. He was concerned about sanitation, safety, and stability. This guy was way ahead of his time. This village design is much like the town houses today that are being constructed so fast, and the contained neighborhoods in cities, to benefit working class folks and retired folks so they can access their needs without traveling too far, remaining in the safety of their village confines. However, our quickly constructed town houses are no match for those adorable quaint brick structures of Bournville. Such a cool old book! Condition is good for its age, but some previous owners did write their names inside.