Manliness of Christ, Paperback by Hughes, Thomas, ISBN 1539805794, ISBN-13 9781539805793, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

'In this life-long fight, to be waged by every one of us single-handed against a host of foes, the last requisite for a good fight, the last proof and test of our courage and manfulness, must be loyalty to truth — the most rare and difficult of all human qualities. For such loyalty, as it grows in perfection, asks ever more and more of us, and sets before us a standard of manliness always rising higher and higher. And this is the great lesson which we shall learn from Christ's life, the more earnestly and faithfully we study it. “For this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, to bear witness to the truth.” To bear this witness against avowed and open enemies is comparatively easy. But to bear it against those we love, against those whose judgment and opinions we respect, in defence or furtherance of that which approves itself as true to our own inmost conscience, this is the last and abiding test of courage and of manliness.'Thomas Hughes, in what is perhaps his least well-known work, encourages the reader to think about Christ's manliness, and what it means to be a real 'man.'