Chicken Came First : A Premier for Renewing and Sustaining Our Communities, Paperback by Asti, William Henry, ISBN 1935166204, ISBN-13 9781935166207, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

“Sustainability is not a buzz-word anymore; it’s a matter of survival. Meaningful achievement in sustainability will require significant paradigm shifts in attitudes about how we live, how we consume resources, how we govern ourselves and how we transport people and goods. Asti’s excellent exploration of the issues is a must-read.”
-- Subrata Basu, AIA, AICP Miami-Dade County Department of Planning and Zoning

“Industries, health care, education and others are trying to tread more lightly on our environment. To achieve sustainability goals our times demand, we must work together to maximize the benefit to our communities. Asti has always seen the larger picture and encouraged orchestration of diverse initiatives. The Chicken Came First is full of knowledge, sensitivity, and insights certain to advance the achievement of sustainable communities.”
--Richard Renfro, AIA
Renfro Design Group, AIA, New York City