New Cosmic Onion : Quarks And the Nature of the Universe, Paperback by Close, Frank, ISBN 1584887982, ISBN-13 9781584887980, Brand New, Free shipping in the US

Although he has not designed this as a promotional tool for the Hadron Collider at CERN, Close (physics, Oxford U.) certainly excites curiosity and anticipation as he describes the experiments likely to be conducted there that will change our understanding of particle physics and thereby the universe. Close helps those whose reach exceeds their grasp of particle physics, explaining what we now understand of the nature of the universe, atoms, the nucleus, the forces of nature, nuclear particles and what he calls the "eight-fold way," quarks, quantum chromodynamics, the electroweak force, charm, quantum foresight, CP violation, neutrinos, the bits beyond the standard model, and the relationship among cosmology, particle physics and the big bang, which is where one suspects the Hadron Collider could be especially handy. Annotation ©2007 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR ()