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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Carol McGrath
The Title is The Damask Rose : The intricate and enthralling new novel: The friendship of a queen. But at a price . . .

Condition New

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Product Description -
'You lay hands on a princess of the realm It is treason.''But this princess disobeys her King. Treason indeed.'YOUR FAVOURITE AUTHORS ARE ALREADY GRIPPED BY THE DAMASK ROSE!* 'Fascinating . . . Brings to life one of the most determined and remarkable queens of the medieval world' K. J. MAITLAND, author of The Drowned City* 'Completely engrossed me from the start . . . A wonderful read' NICOLA CORNICK, author of The Forgotten Sister* 'Vibrant, enticing and with fascinating detail. . . . It held me gripped from beginning to end' ALEXANDRA WALSH, author of The Marquess House Trilogy* 'Excels at sweeping the reader away on an engrossing journey . . . Great storytelling and superb research' JANE JOHNSON, author of Court of Lions* 'Shines a true light on the gripping tale of Eleanor of Castile, the love of Edward I's life' SARA COCKERILL, author of Eleanor of Aquitaine: Queen of France and England, Mother of Empires*'Pulls from the pages of history Eleanor of Castile: queen, business woman and true partner to one of England's most forceful kings' CRYSSA BAZOS, author of Severed Knot1266. Eleanor of Castile, adored wife of the Crown Prince of England, is still only a princess when she is held hostage in the brutal Baron's Rebellion, and her baby daughter dies. Scarred by privation, a bitter Eleanor swears revenge on those who would harm her family - and vows never to let herself be vulnerable again. As she rises to become Queen, Eleanor keeps Olwen - a trusted herbalist, who tried to save her daughter - by her side. But it is dangerous to be friendless in a royal household, and as the court sets out on crusade, Olwen and Eleanor discover that the true battle for Europe may not be a matter of swords and lances, but one fanned by whispers and spies . . . . . . AND DISCOVER THE FIRST BOOK IN THE SHE-WOLVES TRILOGY: THE SILKEN ROSE***** 'Stunning start to a new series of She-Wolf Queens' ***** 'Spectacular . . . I will recommend this first part of her new trilogy to everyone' ***** 'Fabulous . . . A lovely, highly researched tale' ***** 'Exceptionally well-written . . . From the first page I was totally caught up in the story'

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 154063980

Unique Reference Number 2254665707