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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Alan Murchison
The Title is The Cycling Chef On the Go : Ride Day Recipes to Fuel Up, Replenish and Restore

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Product Description -
Top meals from the Michelin-starred chef who is also a champion athlete. The TimesAlans culinary precision is matched only by his passion and ability as a sport professional. Tom KerridgeTHIS IS PORTABLE, PRACTICAL, PERFORMANCE FOOD. RECIPES AND EXPERT ADVICE TO HETIME-POOR CYCLISTS GET MOVING, STAY ENERGISED AND RECOVER WELL. If youre hungry, its too late is the cyclists mantra to avoid hitting the wall with an all-consuming loss of energy. To professional peloton, club riders and weekend peddlers alike, portable foods are as essential as a pump and a spare tube. Armed with a host of simple-to-prepare, savoury and sweet recipes, Alan Murchison creates a range of on-the-go snacks, unique dishes and smoothies to enable riders to ditch the processed energy bars, sugary drinks and takeaways, and enjoy real food full of flavour. On-the-go food must be appealing enough to encourage snacking when appetites are blunted and robust enough to withstand being grabbed from a musette. These energy-boosting recipes including mouth-watering snacks such as Pressed Parmesan and Rosemary Polenta and Bakewell Balls restore strength and are downright delicious. And instead of impatiently raiding the fridge after a hard day on the saddle, his post-ride refuelling suggestions offer irresistible protein-rich recovery alternatives. As a respected cyclist and pro-cycling team nutritionist, Alan has road-tested his own recipes and cooked them for elite cyclists. This book of portable, practical, performance food means that whatever your level you will always have energy to the end. Recipes include:- Full English frittatas- Chocolatey cardamom protein muffins- White chocolate miso blondies- Frozen yoghurt protein berries bites- Banana peanut popsicles- 'Full gas' lassi- Last legs espresso brownie- Sweet potato tattie sconesPraise for Alan Murchison:'Alan's food is simple, yet tasty and powerful. He's been a key component for my training and racing.' Alex Dowsett, World Tour rider, former World Hour Record Holder and national champion'I can't think of a finer chef to have written a book on nutrition and diet for athletes' - Tom KerridgeAlans commitment to the world of gastronomy and cycling is awe-inspiring Sat Bains, two-star Michelin chef. 'Alan has completely changed my perception of what an athlete's diet can look like.' Elinor Barker, multiple world champion and Olympic gold medallist'His approach to nutritional cooking is nothing short of incredible. Ashley Palmer-Watts, two-star Michelin chef'Alan's knowledge as a world-class chef, as well as being a competitive athlete, gives him an extraordinary understanding in how to make healthy food taste great with a practical and unique approach to nutritional cooking. Fred Sirieix

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 156963098

Unique Reference Number 2254816723