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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Mike Moran
The Title is Outside-In Marketing : Using Big Data to Guide your Content Marketing

Condition New

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Product Description -
Supercharge ROI by Rebuilding Content Marketing Around Your Customer! Marketing has always been about my brand, my product, my company. That's "inside-out" marketing. Today, customers hate it-and ignore it. What does work Customized messages they already care about. Marketing that respects their time and gives them immediate value in exchange for their attention. Marketing that's "outside-in." Now, two renowned digital marketing thought leaders show how to integrate content marketing with Big Data to create high-ROI, outside-in marketing. James Mathewson and Mike Moran share new practices, techniques, guidelines, and metrics for engaging on your customers' terms, using their words, reflecting their motivations. Whether you're a content marketer, marketing executive, or analyst, you'll learn how to: * Ease your customers' pain-solve what keeps them up at night-with compelling content experiences * Build content that's essential to clients and prospects in each step of their buyer journeys * Integrate search and social data into all facets of content development to continually improve its effectiveness * Build evergreen content that is continuously improved to better meet the needs of your clients and prospects * Apply advanced machine learning, text analytics, and sentiment analysis to craft more discoverable, shareable content * Shape your messages to intercept your clients' and prospects' information discovery in Google * Transform culture and systems to excel at outside-in marketing

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153551682

Unique Reference Number 2256856512