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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Peter Owen-Jones
The Title is Everest England

Condition New

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Product Description -
A unique hill-walking guide with a culminative ascent of the height of Everest, written in Peter Owen Jones' unique descriptive style. Scaling the peaks of Everest, the world's highest mountain, is the ultimate physical and mental challenge that the human race can aspire to. But as it takes years of preparation and a minimum of GBP25,000 to achieve, it remains out of reach to most of us. This book allows ordinary people to embark on their own personal Everest' without leaving England's green and pleasant land. Ascending hills of varying sizes whose ascents add up to the same height as Mount Everest, celebrity vicar and countryman Peter Owen Jones guides you on a road trip covering hand-picked hill-climbs in different parts of England. The climbs can be done mindfully over a limited period - 12 days is the suggested timescale - or as fast as possible, thus creating a physical challenge rather like the Three Peaks. The climbs could also be undertaken separately over longer periods of time and used as opportunities for mindfulness and quiet meditation under Peter's expert spiritual guidance. The journey takes in sacred places found on coastal cliff walks, ancient holy sites, tors, peaks, mountains and the highest church in England.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153602644

Unique Reference Number 2256910147