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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is John Grisham
The Title is The Rooster Bar : The New York Times and Sunday Times Number One Bestseller

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
'The Best Thriller Writer Alive' Ken FollettThere's one last change for justice . . . They dreamed of changing the world. Instead they're facing a mountain of debt and no hope of a future. Mark, Todd and Zola are starting to realise it's not even worth graduating from law school. They're better off hanging out at The Rooster Bar, plotting how to dodge the loan sharks. But maybe there's another way. Maybe they know enough about the law to pass as lawyers. Because it turns out the crooked hedge fund billionaire who owns their law school also runs the bank that arranged their student loans. And it's time justice was served. Even if it means taking on the FBI to do it . . . Praise for The Rooster Bar'Scintillating storytelling' - The Sunday Times'A buoyant, mischievous thriller . . . This reliable best-selling author is feeling real pleasure, and not just obligation, in delivering his work' - New York Times'A wild, hard-to-put-down romp' - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153633708

Unique Reference Number 2264808581