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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Makala Green
The Title is The Money Edit : Your no blame, no shame guide to taking control of your money

Condition New

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New Store Stock

Product Description -
Money is a foundation of life, it impacts almost all of our choices, whether it's what to have for lunch or when we will retire - so why don't we like talking about it Money is complicated, or at least it seems complicated. From ISAs to pensions and debt to tax, money management feels like a mine-field, but it doesn't need to be. Makala Green, a financial expert, The UK's first black female chartered financial expert, a businesswoman and a speaker and wealth coach with over 17 years' experience has spent years learning about the different aspects of the financial world. Here, she shares all her knowledge to help us break down barriers and gain financial freedom. The Money Edit is a no-jargon, straight-talking guide, giving us the confidence and clarity to understand money and help us make the right choices - no matter what life stage we are at. Makala busts money-myth after myth and shows us how to:1. Cultivate a money mindset2. Address difficult conversations about money3. Track income and expenses and learn how to budget 4. Start saving and plan for the future 5. Get on the property ladder6. Adapt when financial circumstances change No matter your background, upbringing or circumstances, The Money Edit is a simple approach with plenty of real-life examples, checklists, planning tools and resources to get you started. Makala is here to make you feel positive, confident and in control when it comes to money.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153764272

Unique Reference Number 2257079503