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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Laura Rowe
The Title is Rustle Up : One-Paragraph Recipes for Flavour without Fuss

Condition New

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Product Description -
One-paragraph recipes for fuss-free flavour any day of the week ---'Rustle Up is such a clever and different approach to cookery writing. It's like having a mate in the kitchen guiding you through, in the least fussy way possible. Brilliant' Georgina Hayden We've all experienced that moment when you open the fridge and need inspiration to rustle up something a bit different from the usual repertoire, without too much faff and a trip to the supermarket. Rustle Up is a collection of tried-and-tested micro recipes, kept short and sweet at just one paragraph each. Using simple ingredients, store-cupboard staples and basic equipment, these dishes promise good food, whether you're cooking solo in a tiny kitchen, making meals with mates or impressing at a family gathering. Packed with tips and recipe variations, there is inspiration galore and all the answers to rustling up a storm for any occasion. Chapters include:Rise and Shine: Best breakfast and brunch dishesOn the Hop: Lunch should never be overlooked, whether you're using leftovers or cooking from scratch. From nourishing soups to no-cook mezze, these recipes fit the lunchtime bill perfectly. Around the Table: Shared meals around the kitchen table with family and friends. More laid-back assemblies than dinner parties, the dishes are comforting, life-affirming meals that need no special equipment or expert knowledge. Always Salad: Our favourite salads, from quick-pickles to a warm coconut salad that's ideal for rebooting the senses. The Golden Hour: Whether it's the warm summer sunshine or a cosy autumnal evening, here are 3-ingredient cocktails and some moreish snacks to excite and inspire. Something Sweet: Simple desserts, sweet treats, onebitepuddings and easy weekdaybakes including plenty of gluten-free and nourishing low-sugar options. Recipes so easy they've been memorised, like tiny culinary poems, by their passers-on. Recipes, in other words, you'll want to eat on repeat.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153789094

Unique Reference Number 2257104870