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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Mirka Andolfo
The Title is Mirka Andolfo's Sweet Paprika, Volume 2

Condition New

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Product Description -
The problems for the diabolical and fiercebusinesswoman, Miss Paprika, are certainly not finished: after having juggledmore or less skillfully between an unbearable ex and the shocking revelationabout the incorruptible father figure that changes her life, now she will haveto manage the work tension, but also and especially the sexual one towards thecharming producer Za'atar. And there are only a few weeks left before theInternational Market, in which the fateful and desired meeting will take place!The devil decides to rewrite the rules of her life by hiring the uninhibited andsunny angel Dill to learn how to be a true queen under the blanket. But someblocks are still unresolved, and thanks to some misunderstandings andjealousies, things go sideways. BridgetJones's Diary meets Sex and the City, with a pinch of The Devil Wears Prada inthe new international hit by acclaimed creator MIRKA ANDOLFO UNNATURAL,MERCY. Collects SWEET PAPRIKA7-12

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153795510

Unique Reference Number 2257111327