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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Karon Liu
The Title is What We Talk About When We Talk About Dumplings

Condition New

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Nearly every culture has a variation on the dumpling: histories, treatises, family legends, and recipes about the world's favorite lump of carbs If the world's cuisines share one common food, it might be the dumpling, a dish that can be found on every continent and in every culinary tradition, from Asia to Central Europe to Latin America. Originally from China, they evolved into ravioli, samosas, momos, gyozas, tamales, pierogies, matzo balls, wontons, empanadas, potato chops, and many more. In this unique anthology, food writers, journalists, culinary historians, and musicians share histories of their culture's version of the dumpling, family dumpling lore, interesting encounters with these little delights, and even recipes to unwrap the magic of the world's favorite dish. With an introduction by Karon Liu. Illustrations by Meegan Lim. Contributors include: Michal Stein, Christina Gonzales, Kristen Arnett, David Buchbinder, Andre Alexis, Miles Morrisseau, Angela Misri, Perry King, Sylvia Putz, Mekhala Chaubal, Arlene Chan, Chantal Braganza, Naomi Duguid, Eric Geringas, Matthew Murtagh-Wu, Monika Warzecha, Bev Katz Rosenbaum, Tatum Taylor Chaubal, Domenica Marchetti, Julie Van Rosendaal, Amy Rosen, Cheryl Thompson, Jennifer Jordan, Marie Campbell, Navneet Alang

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153796426

Unique Reference Number 2264977367