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The item is a book Hardback
The Author Name is Christian A. Conrad
The Title is Business Ethics - A Philosophical and Behavioral Approach

Condition New

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Product Description -
In this textbook we examine the extent to which moral values play a role as productive forces for companies and the economy as a whole, and explores the effect of ethical and unethical behavior at both levels. We show how ethics improves productivity, and provide specific ethics tools for practical application for both students and managers. Stemming from an overall interdisciplinary approach, this textbook fills a gap in the literature on ethics in business. Following a textbook structure, we first derive knowledge from scientific studies that are relevant for students, and then summarize the results. We explain ethical assessment approaches, and then provide an ethical assessment of economic behavior using case studies. Roleplaying and games are used to explain the behavior of people in relation to ethics. The 2nd edition has been completely revised and expanded to include new findings from the behavioral sciences psychology, social psychology, sociology and behavioral economics. In particular, the research on emotions, motivation and group behavior have given rise to many new impulses in business ethics. In addition, new case studies and new chapters were included, like Politics and Morality, Theories of Justice, Global Ethics, and Institutions as Solutions to Specific Game Situations game theory. This book is important for students and researchers as well as policymakers and business executives due to its focus on applications.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153798765

Unique Reference Number 2257114626