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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is John 'Chick' Donohue

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******THE TRUE STORY BEHIND THE MAJOR MOVIE STARRING ZAC EFRON, RUSSELL CROWE AND BILL MURRAY'You will laugh and cry, but you will not be sorry that you read this rollicking story.' - Malachy McCourt'An unforgettable wild right from start to finish.' - John Bruning, New York Times bestselling author of Indestructible'Donohue's memoir is a fascinating, vividly narrated recollection of the chaos of the Vietnam war.' - Publishers WeeklyA CRAZY ADVENTURE IN A CRAZY WAR. Following a rowdy night at his local New York bar, ex-Marine and merchant seaman "Chick" Donohue decides to complete a legendary mission. He will travel to Vietnam, track down his buddies in combat and bring them a cold beer from home. It'll be the greatest beer run ever!Now, decades on from 1968, he recounts the remarkable true story of how he actually did it. Armed with Irish luck and a backpack full of alcohol, Chick works his passage to Vietnam, lands in Qui Nhon and begins to track down his serving friends one by one. But things quickly go awry, and as he talks his way through checkpoints and unwittingly into dangerous situations, Chick sees a lot more of the war than he ever anticipated - spending a terrifying time in the Demilitarized Zone and getting caught up in Saigon during the Tet Offensive. With indomitable spirit, Chick survives on his wits, but what he finds in Vietnam comes as a shock. By the end of his epic adventure, battered and exhausted, Chick finds himself questioning why his friends were ever led into the war in the first place.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153806743

Unique Reference Number 2257122762