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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Kevin Hearne
The Title is Hunted : The Iron Druid Chronicles

Condition New

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Product Description -
***OVER A MILLION COPIES OF THE IRON DRUID BOOKS SOLD***'American Gods meets Jim Butcher's Harry Dresden' SFF WorldFor a two-thousand-year-old Druid, Atticus O'Sullivan is a pretty fast runner. Good thing, because he's being chased by not one but two goddesses of the hunt - Artemis and Diana - for messing with one of their own. Dodging their slings and arrows, Atticus, his apprentice Granuaile and his wolfhound Oberon are making a mad dash across modern-day Europe to seek help from a friend of the Tuatha De Danann. His usual magical option of shifting planes is blocked, so instead of playing hide and seek, the game plan is . . . run like hell. Crashing the pantheon marathon is the Norse god Loki. Killing Atticus is the only loose end he needs to tie up before unleashing Ragnarok - AKA the Apocalypse. Atticus and Granuaile have to outfox the Olympians and contain the god of mischief if they want to go on living - and still have a world to live in. Praise for the Iron Druid Chronicles:'Atticus and his crew are a breath of fresh air! . . . I love, love, love this series' My Bookish Ways'Entertaining, steeped in a ton of mythology, populated by awesome characters' Civilian Reader'This is one series no fantasy fan should miss. Mystery, suspense, magic and mayhem' SciFiChickThe Iron Druid ChroniclesHounded Hexed HammeredTrickedTrappedHuntedShatteredStakedScourgedBesieged short storiesHAVE YOU TRIED . . . Kevin Hearne's epic fantasy novel A PLAGUE OF GIANTS - described by Delilah S. Dawson as 'a rare masterpiece that's both current and timeless . . . merging the fantasy bones of Tolkien and Rothfuss with a wide cast of characters who'll break your heart'. Out now!

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 153984891

Unique Reference Number 2257307848