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The item is a book Paperback
The Author Name is Ruthanne Garlock
The Title is A Womans Guide to Spiritual Warfare - How to Protect Your Home, Family and Friends from Spiritual Darkness

Condition New

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Product Description -
Groundbreaking Spiritual Warfare Book for Women, Now Revised and UpdatedWomen everywhere face battles that threaten to overwhelm them. A friend's depression. A child's destructive choices. A neighbor's broken marriage. A husband's failed business. A bad medical report. But you don't have to watch hopelessly from the sidelines. This is a crucial time for praying women to take their stand. In this newly revised and updated edition, you'll discover sound biblical guidelines, inspiring stories, and practical steps to help you see victory on the battlefront. As you understand your authority in the risen Christ, you will learn how to overcome forces of evil, help loved ones break cycles of bondage, and make your home a place of refuge from spiritual attack--all through the power of prayer. Here is the field guide for every wife, mother, sister, daughter, and friend ready to fight for all she holds dear.

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Location ID 245z

iHaveit SKU ID 154120553

Unique Reference Number 2257333495