Secret Wars: Battleworld Tie-In

"A Stranger Came to Town"

There's a place that's so dangerous it's walled off from the rest of Battleworld... ...where wild zombies feast on those who've been banished for crimes against the state. ...where cold, mechanical Ultrons destroy anything that's human. Pity those who get caught between the two, for their death won't be fast and painless!

This set of four comic books features a thrilling battle between the Age of Ultron and Marvel Zombies. The comics are formatted in single issues and feature a variety of beloved superheroes including Ultron, Cyclops, Captain America (Steve Rogers), Loki, Hulk (Bruce Banner), Bullseye, and Spider-Man (Peter Parker). The series title is Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies and Siege and was published by Marvel Comics in 2015 as part of the Secret Wars event.

The comics are in a color style and each issue is boarded for protection. They are a must-have for any Marvel Comics fan, collector, or enthusiast. This comic book set is suitable for a viewer discretion advised audience and is a great addition to any comic book collection.