Candle Accessory - Candle snuffer extinguisher for any candle Lover, it perfect for housewarming, xmas or birthday.

Premium Materials: is made of polished stainless steel with attractive polished, have a long longevity, durable and not easy to be rusted.

Easy to Use - Candle stopper can extinguish your candle in safer and more correct way. Keep the candle snuffer just above the flame to snuff it out with minimal smoke and to prevent wax flying off tip of candle.

Perfect Design - The elegant pattern on the handle prevents it from falling off the hand. The "bell" at the end, which does the actual snuffing, is on a swivel, so it moves and rotates making it much more flexible to reach deep inside jar and other shaped candles.

Necessity Accessory - Value and a beautiful accessory that is a necessity in your house. No more flying embers or wax as you blow out the candle. they look sleek and nice.