Eight different unused vintage IBM-format 80-column “Hollerith” computer punch cards. Includes:

o A round-cornered light orange card with slashed left corner, printed by IBM with black printing, labelled “Job Control Card” and “University of London” and intended for use as such.

o A round-cornered white card with slashed left corner and yellow stripe, printed by IBM with black printing, labelled “Fortran Statement” with fields marked for use in entering program statements in the Fortran language.

o A round-cornered white mark-sense card with slashed left corner and no stripe, printed by IBM with red printing, labelled “Multiple Choice Answer Card” and “Imperial College Computer Centre”, with alternate columns marked for entering information using pencil strokes. (This card has been punched with three holes at the bottom left, to function instead as an end-of-record control card.)

o A round-cornered white card with slashed left corner and red stripe, printed by IBM with black printing, labelled “Fortran Statement”, with fields marked for use in entering program statements in the Fortran language.

o A round-cornered pink card with slashed left corner and no stripe, printed by PDC with black printing, with the logo of SIA Ltd, a geographic information systems software company, presumably for general use.

o A square-cornered white Port-a-Punch card with slashed left corner and no stripe, printed by IBM with black and red printing, labelled “CCA – Imperial College” (meaning Imperial College’s “Centre for Computing and Automation”), with alternate columns marked for entering statements in the Fortran language. Hole positions in the card are already partially cut and would have been pressed out in use by hand in a frame using a stylus.

o A round-cornered bright white card with slashed right corner and no stripe, printed by IBM with black printing, presumably for general use.

o A round-cornered white card with slashed left corner and green stripe, printed by IBM with black printing, labelled “Fortran Statement”, with fields marked for use in entering program statements in the Fortran language.

Cards are unused and in excellent condition. All eight are different and indeed different from another set of eight I may be advertising at the same time. Will post anywhere.